7-Day Publi$hing Challenge | August 19 - 25, 2024
7-Day Publi$hing Challenge | August 19 - 25, 2024
Discover How 5,949 Everyday People Published Royalty-Generating Books in Just 7 Days Without Having to Spend a Penny
Discover How 5,949 Everyday People Published Royalty-Generating Books in Just 7 Days Without Having to Spend a Penny

August 19 - 25, 2024
August 19 - 25, 2024

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In Just 7 Days...
5,949 People Published (& Sold Copies Of) Their First Books. You Can Too!
5,949 People Published (& Sold Copies Of) Their First Books. You Can Too!
If you want to collect monthly royalty checks from Amazon WITHOUT:
Leaving your house
Picking up a side hustle
Taking a second job
Or making risky investments
Then, consider creating a simple book.

Enter the 7-Day Publi$hing Challenge
When students hit “publish” on their 7-Day Challenge book, they often generate sales
When students hit “publish” on their 7-Day Challenge book, they often generate sales as quickly as the first week.

And now, it's YOUR Turn...

Take the 7-Day Publi$hing Challenge...

You Are Likely To:
Discover a Profitable Idea
Create an In-Demand Book
Publish Books on Amazon in Your Spare Time
Start Making Sales
Collect Monthly Royalty Checks
All without…
Quitting Your Day Job
Spending ALL Your Free Time Writing
ANY Writing or Tech Experience
Sacrificing Any Commitments
Changing Your Sleep Schedule
You Are Likely To:
All without…
Discover a Profitable Idea
Create an In-Demand Book
Publish Books on Amazon in Your Spare Time
Start Making Sales
Collect Monthly Royalty Checks
Quitting Your Day Job
Spending ALL Your Free Time Writing
ANY Writing or Tech Experience
Sacrificing Any Commitments
Changing Your Sleep Schedule
And best of all…
….this takes just 7 days!
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The 7-Day Publi$hing Challenge vs. Traditional Publishing Methods
Traditional Publishing Methods
Completing a book can take months or years.
Writer’s block every step of the way.
Overwhelmed by indecision at every turn.
Writing a book is stressful.
97% of books are never finished.
87% of books never sell a single copy.
No idea if your book will sell or not.
Normally used by experienced book creators.
Spending $20,000+ to publish (a massive gamble!)
👎 Imagine spending hundreds of hours, month after month, just writing…
“7-Day Publi$hing Challenge” System
Completing a book in just ONE week.
Can be done in your spare time.
No more writer’s block (you don’t have to be a writer either).
Quickly create new books any time you want more sales.
A stress-free method you can rinse and repeat.
Writing and tech experience NOT necessary!
Confidence in your ability to publish books that sell on Amazon.
Spend nothing!
👍 This is what sets successful book creators apart.

The 7-Day Publi$hing Challenge vs. Traditional Publishing Methods
Traditional Publishing Methods
“7-Day Publi$hing Challenge” System
Completing a book can take months or years.
Writer’s block every step of the way.
Overwhelmed by indecision at every turn.
Writing a book is stressful.
97% of books are never finished.
87% of books never sell a single copy.
No idea if your book will sell or not.
Normally used by experienced book creators.
Spending $20,000+ to publish (a massive gamble!)
👎 Imagine spending hundreds of hours, month after month, just writing…
Completing a book in just ONE week.
Can be done in your spare time.
No more writer’s block (you don’t have to be a writer either).
Quickly create new books any time you want more sales.
A stress-free method you can rinse-and-repeat.
Writing and tech experience NOT necessary!
Confidence in your ability to publish books that sell on Amazon.
Spend nothing!
👍 This is what sets successful book creators apart
Re-use This Simple 7-Day Process to Publish New Books Anytime You Want!
If you want to quickly release a new book and don’t want to spend countless hours writing, there is no better process than this.

With the 7-Day Publi$hing Challenge, you WILL finally:

Have a simple repeatable process you can use to publish new books on demand (for bigger royalty checks).
Always know what it takes to create new revenue streams online…no matter what.
Registration Closes In...
Imagine the feeling of having your very own book up for sale…

Join the Free 7-Day Publi$hing Challenge And Release a Book in Just 7 Days
(Tech and Writing Skills Optional)
Registration Closes In...

Join the 7-Day Publi$hing Challenge And Create A Royalty-Generating Book in Just 7 Days…
(Tech and Writing Skills Optional)
Registration Closes In...