Earnings Disclaimer

Earnings Disclaimer

Last Updated: Oct, 1st 2023

ClientsWithAI Earnings Disclaimer Policy

Disclosures of Significance

Educational and Instructional Purposes

ClientsWithAI, inclusive of its associates and subsidiaries (“ClientsWithAI,” “the Company,” “We,” or “Us”) operates as an entity focused on offering sales and marketing education and training, both to individual consumers and businesses. We explicitly articulate that we do not promote a business opportunity, a “get rich quick” scheme, or a guaranteed money-making system. While our core belief is anchored in the premise that education can empower individuals to make astute investment decisions, we do not guarantee financial or investment success. Moreover, we do not make any claims regarding earnings, effort, return on investment, or the potential to earn money. Our offering encompasses a combination of education, training, and resources/tools, and all provided material is protected under copyright law. Unauthorized duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited.

Examples, Demonstrations, and Theoretical Scenarios

ClientsWithAI does not and cannot make representations or guarantees regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or theoretical investments will adhere to a particular outcome or trend in a particular way. All information, particularly that which pertains to returns and relates to previous performances, does not insinuate the future performance of any specific client’s experience. Past performances do not assure future results, and the returns across various periods can oscillate significantly. The Company assures no representation that any investment will achieve profits or losses similar to those in past instances, nor that significant losses can be avoided. Investing always carries risks, and potential financial loss is a possibility. Demonstrations and theoretical scenarios may incorporate information from third-party sources, and while we trust the reliability of these sources, we cannot guarantee their accuracy.

Borrowing and Financing

It is crucial to note that the Company is not a lender and does not provide credit or any related consulting services concerning credit acquisition. All lenders and consulting entities operate independently and are not affiliated with the Company in any capacity. Furthermore, the Company does not receive any form of compensation, referral fees, or otherwise, in relation to lending or other services provided by these independent entities. The onus is on you to meticulously assess your financial situation, goals, risks, and other pertinent circumstances before borrowing funds or procuring consulting services. ClientsWithAI assumes no responsibility or liability for actions, products, services, or content of independent parties. We strongly advise you to consider the implications of using borrowed money, especially if it may significantly impact the return on your investment in education or potentially result in financial loss.

Customer Feedback Surveys

To perpetually enhance our customer experience, we may conduct surveys among our customers. It can be challenging to track and verify the implementation and completion status of training among customers. Some may engage with the training purely for educational enhancement – without subsequent purchases – and may still be included in survey results. Testimonials and reviews represent individual experiences and personal opinions of those who have procured our education and training. Outcomes will vary, and testimonials and/or reviews may not be reflective of typical experiences. Success is dependent on several factors, including the individual effort, time, skills, and other variables. Monetary results are not actively tracked by the Company, rather we survey customers regarding the perceived value of our education, training, support, and overall satisfaction. Your cooperation in completing surveys is appreciated and by doing so, you confirm that your feedback accurately represents your experiences. You also grant the Company permission to publish aggregated feedback and comments in various outlets, without revealing personally identifiable information.

Third-Party Involvements

ClientsWithAI may link to, or refer to, content or services provided by third parties unaffiliated with the Company. The Company is not responsible for such content and does not endorse it. Links or references may contain distinct terms, conditions, and privacy provisions. Any access or usage of such content and products is undertaken at your own risk. Various services may be provided by, or you may be referred to, third-party businesses. Some of these businesses may have shared interests and ownership with the Company. Third-party provisions are governed separately from your customer relationship with the Company.


At ClientsWithAI, our mission is to enable individuals to discover innovative methods to supplement their income or initiate a new career pathway. Our courses and products aim to equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate toward financial stability. However, like any substantial change, your diligence and dedication are paramount to realizing success with our programs. The representation of potential income in our products and promotions is not a guarantee or indicative of typical outcomes, but reflects the experiences of individuals who have experienced notable success. The Company does not assure or warrant that you will achieve the income or revenue levels referenced in the promotions or courses. The Company also does not actively research the typical outcomes of offerings but provides platforms for students to share their successes. Your results will depend on various factors, including your capabilities, network, experience, and dedication. All business opportunities carry risks and require due diligence on your part to ascertain whether they align with your goals, skills, and lifestyle. Legal, accounting, or other professional advice is not offered by ClientsWithAI and as you establish and expand your business, it is advisable to consult professionals to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.

All sales adhere to ClientsWithAI’s REFUND POLICY.

For inquiries before purchasing any ClientsWithAI course or product, please contact us at: support@the3dcam.com.