H1 Headline from your article content. Should match Google title as well.
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Insert Main Headline. Tag as H1
Insert brief synopsis of the blog article. This should be 1-3 sentences, max. Tag as H4
Attach applicable YT video. NOTE this video should also be SEO optimized from YouTube directly
Insert First Supporting Headline. Tag as H2
Insert category or section title. Tag as H3
Insert information pertaining to the category or topic at hand. Tag as H5. Include keywords that are congruent with the keywords in your metadata, descriptions, titles, video content, and Google search terms. Include appropriate backlinks, cross-links to different articles, etc. to increase relevancy of your blog post.
Attach applicable photos pertaining to the category/topic in discussion. NOTE this photo should be SEO optimized in its ALT text with proper dimensions and resolutions described in the Masterclass
Insert Second Supporting Headline. Tag as H2
Insert category or section title. Tag as H3
Insert information pertaining to the category or topic at hand. Tag as H5. Include keywords that are congruent with the keywords in your metadata, descriptions, titles, video content, and Google search terms. Include appropriate backlinks, cross-links to different articles, etc. to increase relevancy of your blog post.
Attach applicable photos pertaining to the category/topic in discussion. NOTE this photo should be SEO optimized in its ALT text with proper dimensions and resolutions described in the Masterclass
(optional) Insert CTA/Offer pertaining to the topic at hand
Include description of the offer and how it helps the reader achieve their desired outcome in relation to the topic at hand. For example, if the reader is learning about how intermittent fasting helps with weight loss and how it outperforms other diets, offer an intermittent fasting program, a guide, a PDF, or a call with a dietitian.
Insert Third Supporting Headline. Tag as H2
Insert category or section title. Tag as H3
Insert information pertaining to the category or topic at hand. Tag as H5. Include keywords that are congruent with the keywords in your metadata, descriptions, titles, video content, and Google search terms. Include appropriate backlinks, cross-links to different articles, etc. to increase relevancy of your blog post.
Attach applicable photos pertaining to the category/topic in discussion. NOTE this photo should be SEO optimized in its ALT text with proper dimensions and resolutions described in the Masterclass
(required) Insert CTA/Offer pertaining to the topic at hand
Include description of the offer and how it helps the reader achieve their desired outcome in relation to the topic at hand. For example, if the reader is learning about how intermittent fasting helps with weight loss and how it outperforms other diets, offer an intermittent fasting program, a guide, a PDF, or a call with a dietitian.
NOTE: Insert social sharing buttons for people to share your content with their friends
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